SRE stands for Sex and Relationship Education. It is a statutory element of the National Currciuculm in England that all schools are requuired to teach.
Here at Bredbury St Marks, SRE is taught through our PSHE currciulum, circle times or discrete lessons. We follow a scheme of work called 1Decision to support this.
1Decision provides excellent resources through powerpints and activity books for the children to complete. It is age apporpirate at each age group and allows plenty of discussion.
In EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage - Nursery and Reception) SRE will be covered through the prime area of Personal, Social and Emoptional development where the children will begin to talk about feelings, develop self care and healthy relationships. This will be ongoing throughtout their time in EYFS through lesson but also through play based learning.
The way SRE is taught through 1Decsion is via two specific modules. Years 1 - 3 is Relationships and Years 4 - 6 Growth and Changing.
The specific units are as follows:
Year 1 - Baseline Assessment and Friendship
Year 2 - Bullying and Body Language
Year 3 - Touch and Summartive Assessment
Year 4 - Baseline Assessment and Appropriate Touch
Year 5 - Puberty and Adult's and Children's views
Year 6 - Conception and Summative Assessment
At Bredbury St Mark’s, we believe that promoting the health and wellbeing of our pupils is an important part of their overall education.
Each child’s privacy will be respected, and no one will be asked to reveal personal information.
RSE is a statutory subject and although parents can withdraw their child from the sex education element, we want to assure parents that our curriculum is taught in an age-appropriate manner and provides children with the time to ask questions in a safe environment and ultimately receive factual information, rather than hearing content second hand or via online platforms. In the 21st century children are exposed to so many of the incorrect messages about their bodies, relationships and expectations. The prevalence of sexual images in social and other media make it important that all young people have a place to discuss pressures, check facts, dispel myths and ultimately feel safe.
RSE is a carefully planned curriculum and is there to ensure our children can navigate the world around them safely. An un-informed child is often a child left vulnerable and we want to empower our pupils here at Bredbury St Mark’s.
Parents and carers are the most important educators of children and young people in personal issues and many welcome the support that school can offer to supplement their home teaching.
You may find that your child starts asking questions about the topic at home, or you might want to take the opportunity to talk to your child about issues before the work is covered in school. If you have any queries about the content of the programme or resources used, or would like to see what we use, please do not hesitate in contacting Mrs Hall at school via telephone or email