Our Curriculum
At Bredbury St Mark’s we want every child to experience ‘life in all its fullness.’ (John 10:10).
Our school motto DREAM BIG is at the heart of all our teaching at Bredbury St Marks. We believe in the capabilities of all and that their dreams can be turned into reality. We endeavour to inspire and motivate everyone to be the best that they can be, growing and learning in a community inspired by our chosen Christian values: Hope, Perseverance, Courage, Love, Friendship and Forgiveness.
We aspire to equip everyone with the skills needed to believe they can achieve and to reach their goals. Our school is a safe, happy and welcoming place where every child’s uniqueness is valued and supported.
Our bespoke curriculum is based on a combination of two different approaches, the learning tree approach and the 50 experiences approach.
Learning Tree Approach
Our curriculum is deep rooted in our context, which ensures our curriculum is anchored securely. The heart of the tree, the trunk, focuses on our core subjects which gives our curriculum core strength. This is made up of Phonics, Love of Reading, high quality texts, Writing, Maths and Science. The branches are all of the other foundation subjects, such as RE, History and Geography that make up our curriculum. They always reach for the sky, which is a good reminder of the ambition within the curriculum. The leaves are our enhancements to our curriculum and the way in which we enrich it through trips, visitors, and curriculum extras.
50 Experiences Approach
As a school we have chosen 50 first hand experiences that we would like all children to experience during their time at Bredbury St Marks. These will enhance their curriculum. These experiences will include: